all postcodes in WV8 / WOLVERHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV8 2AA 7 0 52.629558 -2.203325
WV8 2AB 15 0 52.628874 -2.204031
WV8 2AD 7 0 52.629584 -2.203886
WV8 2AE 31 0 52.629264 -2.20678
WV8 2AF 26 0 52.628316 -2.204368
WV8 2AG 2 0 52.628136 -2.202708
WV8 2AH 17 1 52.624911 -2.203081
WV8 2AJ 11 0 52.626062 -2.202776
WV8 2AL 3 0 52.623933 -2.201984
WV8 2AN 6 0 52.623438 -2.202336
WV8 2AP 4 0 52.621111 -2.201247
WV8 2AQ 8 1 52.626342 -2.202202
WV8 2AR 7 0 52.620042 -2.200976
WV8 2AS 8 0 52.620573 -2.200787
WV8 2AT 3 1 52.621801 -2.208163
WV8 2AU 3 0 52.623466 -2.201627
WV8 2AW 10 0 52.622135 -2.202079
WV8 2AX 25 0 52.621163 -2.211317
WV8 2AY 10 0 52.622048 -2.210764
WV8 2AZ 6 1 52.622849 -2.209823